Item #:
Squedge 15 Degree - 801090

June Striped Star

Squedge Tutorial
Open the packaging and you have another Bonus pattern: a terrific 45" x 45" lap quilt.
A Wedge + A Square = A Squedge!
Wedges make circles, but Squedges make squares. The 15 Squedge makes a 16" finished square (16 1/2" unfinished) with 24 Squedge pieces.
The slots in the tool let you mark precise lines for making the shorter pieces. The longer pieces are used for the corners and the shorter for the inner sides.
In addition to Squares you can also make triangles and hexagons--Amazing fun without ever sewing a single hexagon! It's just Triangles!
Squedge Family
Finish Size: 16" Square Block and 16" Hexagons