Item #:
1/4 in Quilting Foot - BLSO-QF
Baby Lock 1/4 IN Quilting Foot - The Baby Lock 1/4" Quilting or Patchwork Foot has several uses. Not only can the foot be used to sew an exact 1/4" seam for piecing a quilt, it can also be used to sew perfect 1/4" top-stitching. The locking pin assures you can sew over uneven fabric layers.
- MakeBLAR, BLCR, BLG2, BLG2-NZ, BLG3, BLJY, BLL2, BLPY, BLSO, BLSOG, BLSOG2, BLSR-EB, BLSY, BLTY, ESE, ESE2, ESG, ESG2, ESG3, ESL, ESN, ESP, NV2800D, NV4500D, NV5000, NV6000D, NV6700D, NV6750D, NX2000, PC6500, PC8200, PC8500D/8500, QC1000, ULT2001, ULT2002D, ULT2003D, VE2200, VM5100, VM6200D, VQ2400, VQ3000